
Picture by Laila Kober
* 20.02.1992   † 01.08.2009
Picture by Laila Kober
* 20.02.1992   † 01.08.2009

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We have taken 32 years children and young people into our family.

For reasons of age, we are now ending our work.

Therefore, we sell our
beautiful large house in an idyllic location *.

Feel free to take a look at it and feel free to contact us.


House Sale *

Imprint and contact:

Michael Kober
(legally responsible)
Waldblickstrasse 37
D-89264 Weissenhorn *-Oberreichenbach

Route-planner *

e-mail:        kober@jugendhilfe-kober.de

Telephone: 07309 40108 40 or +49 7309 40108 40
Fax:           07309 40108 41 or +49 7309 40108 41

Tax-number: Tax-office Neu-Ulm * 151/237/90240

Experiential education right on our doorstep:
Forest-ropes-course Wallenhausen *
To all kids, teenagers and young adults,
to all youth-welfare-office-employees
all visitors to my website and all people in general.

You can play Bulls and Cows for free here.
Some may know the game as 'MASTERMIND'.
According to the instructions, ages 8 and up.
But you can increase the difficulty as you wish.
The game can be played with two people or
alone against the computer or the mobile phone.
And the program / app is unbeatable!

HTML5 is valid! *       CSS3 is valid! *       Add to your favourites:    Ctrl  +  D 

Data Protection:

This website does not query, capture, use, save or transmit
any personal data of visitors.
This website does not use cookies.
The only exception:
The browser-game saves game-conditions in cookies locally on your device.
However, this data is only recorded internally for the next game
and do not reach the outside.

Responsible is Michael Kober, contact details see above.


is the webhoster of this website and in my experience one of the Best Webhoster in Germany!

Febas uses server-log-files, just like other webhoster do.
The data-protection-declaration of Febas applies to these server-log-files.

This website uses SHARIFF, the social-media-buttons from c't / heise
with external links but a special data-protection-function *.

Links marked with * are external links, i.e. they refer to external websites
in Germany or the EU or outside Germany and the EU.
If you follow the link, their legal regulations and provisions apply there,
also regarding data protection.